Thursday, October 30, 2008

Friends Forever

It's cheesy, but I truly think this summer i made friends forever. It's been a couple of months now since i got back in canada, and I've kind of avoided this blog just because I miss this summer soooo much. Yesterday was the interviews for next years group of summer cast members, and even though I wasn't there I couldn't stop thinking about disney and how outstanding this summer was. Being an entertainment cast member and living in Vista Way was absolutely incredible. Since coming back home, life has been busy. I caught my plane early in the morning, having fallen asleep pretty much right after writing my last post and being woken up less than an hour later by giuli arriving with her dad to drive me to the airport. I quickly shoved the rest of my stuff into bags, remembering everything except, unfortunately, my disney id. luckily i had taken a picture of it, so it isn't entirely lost but still disappointing. I cried when driving away from my summer home, then again when saying goodbye at the airport. I got through security and everything pretty quickly, and promptly fell asleep on an airport chair wrapped around my carry on luggage. I slept again on the plane, despite a gabby woman sitting beside me. After staying awake not wanting to miss a second for so many days i was exhausted mentally and physically. I landed in buffalo and found my nana, and we stopped at swiss chalet on the way back to her apartment. once we were at her house, i promptly (you guessed it) fell asleep, even missing part of the opening ceremonies of the olympics (disappointing cuz i LOVE the olympics.) I spent a lazy day at nanas house in front of the tv watching olympics, and then we headed home, with a small detour caused by some sort of propane factory exploding in toronto. After less that 10 days in ottawa, i moved to kingston and am living in a house that i love and really enjoying both school and friends.
Even Disney friends! a lot of us have kept in touch, and giuli and i still get to see each other all the time. She came up for queens homecoming, which was full of craziness (including drinking with undercover cops after they broke up a friend of mine's party, breaking into my own house and buying scalped tickets to the football game. good times lol) and then we went to brunch over thanksgiving. Next tuesday we are going to backstreet boys in quebec city, which i am super pumped for. I think the number one reason to participate in this program is for the friends. I truly have friends around the world who i love and have shared an amazig experience with. that is truly something special.

p.s i am trying to add pics up here but honestly the best pics of my time in florida are on my facebook, so if you have me on there just check them out instead of waiting for them to load on this page.

1 comment:

meihong said...

Hello, Steffie.
I'm meihong.
I'm Japanese,and I love disney too.
I'm glad to read your blog.