Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Daisy Day

Today was fun. My first day ever working at studios. I started at 8, so caught a bus at 7:02am and arrived at the toy box slightly early. Clocked, Changed and Checked, pulled my daisy costume and warmed up. Loaded all the costumes for characters going to the hat into a giant garbage bin type thing and walked through the park to our offset location, inside the great movie ride building. Changed and went for our first set at 9am. It was me as daisy with minnie on oe side of the hat, lilo and stitch on the other and donald in the middle. 3 sets with long breaks between, then we loaded our costumes back into the garbage bin thing and went back to the toy box. Waited for another hour, then changed back into costume and got onto a pargo (golf cart) which took us to guest relations where we did a magical moment with a randomly chosen family in a very small room. 2 little girls, very cute. And then we returned our costumes and waited to clock out. Clocked out at 2:10, and went into the park by my self to watch block party bash, it was very cute and different from all the other parades, but I still loved stars and motorcars. Pixar is taking over! It was cool from my perspective though, cause I say the parade performers in costume backstage and then on set as well. I dont know how they do it-- block party is really long! I dont think i want to learn that show, i dont have the stamina for it. Oh, ran into angie working, she was playing hockey with some kids and her custodial broom. and then I had chicken nuggets at abc commisary and came home. Start work early tomorrow, and then thursday its my bday!! woo hoo 19 :)

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