Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Cockroaches and Elevators

Ok, so i've missed some stuff out of my last couple of entries, so this is an add in:

Elevators: On the way out of my nana's apt on sunday, we got stuck between floors because they shut down the elevators when an alarm went off. Needless to say, I kinda freaked and was sure I was gunna miss my flight :)

Cockroaches: So I saw a cockroach for the first time last night, not in my apartment thank goodness but we all kinda freaked and stood on chairs spraying it with lysol... were real girly girls apparently...

Vista Way: I never gave a real description of where I am living. Vista Way is an apartment complex that houses approx 2500 student workers- international and american. It's one of 4 similar complexes that altogether house some 9000 students. There are little buildings in a village sort of thing, with 6 apts in each building. I live on the third floor of my building, which is nice because our cieling goes up into a point, much higher than the other floors, and we have an extra semi-circle window on top of our picture window in the living room. I still haven't posted the video i made of our apt, but it'll be up here soon. We have three bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a big kitchen, living room, and it is all really spacious. My apt is right beside the pool and volleyball court, beside the clubhouse and not far from the bus stop. The busses run constantly and are coach busses exclusively for the use of cast members living in the complexes. The pool and hot tub are really nice, and weve already gone swimming 3 or 4 times.

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