Friday, August 8, 2008

T'ear'ful goodbyes

not saying much here, but it is 4:46am and i havent really slept since wednesday morning--(two hours wednesdaynight, nothing since then!) I've had a truly amazing summer, and in about five hours i will be on a plane back to reality. it's gunna be tough to leave all these friends and memories behind. The past couple of days have been crazy busy and are kind of a blur-- yesterday was graduation so we woke up really early (slash didnt go to bed, silly us) and Giuli's dad picked us up to drive us to pick up our final paycheques at partners. So glad he drove us, cause we got in and out of there really quickly, unlike the masses of people who went on the bus. From there we went to Epcot for Graduation. there was some confusion on that bus-- we wanted to take the regular epcot bus and the driver tried to make us get off because it was nearly full. we stood our ground, even when he tried to convince us that graduation had been moved last minute. graduation was packed with familiar faces, and was a great way to say goodbye. we got our grad cap mickey ears, stood in a crazy long line to take our pics with graduation mickey, ate ice cream bar, said hello to roger and sue (the people that hired us from our canada interviews) and them took off around the world one last time, stopping to shop a bit in mexico, get our picture taken with mexico donald, a very familiar snow white, belle, and got bread (of course) in france. Then we took a couple of photopass pics near spaceship earth in our ears, and alison went into her two work locations to say some goodbyes.

we monorailed it over to Magic Kingdom, watched Disney dreams come true parade one last time (and cried) dropped off our hats to have our names embroidered, and wandered around. It was a bit of a sad day (obviously) and tempers were a little high. we took lots of pictures, wandered main street, and went on a few rides, then we went to dinner at Crystal palace with tigger, pooh, piglet and eeyore. Giuli's sister brenda came with us. It was great to be on the other side of a character dinner. From there we ran out to watch spectromagic and then wishes (and cried) and then shopped a bit on mainstreet. we ended up being just about the last people to leave, staying as long as we possibly could inside the park. it was really hard to say goodbye to the castle. We monorailed back to the ttc and took the cast bus home, then attempted to pack a bit more (i'm still not packed yet :P) and i signed a t-shirt for sam with about a million signatures. I'm upset to leave, but i have had truly the experience of my life.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The end is near...

July 28th:
After posting i headed over to apt. 2402 and watched the holiday with sam, giuli, hannah, and 'the gays'. it was a funny night, we talked through a lot of the movie, which of course made sam crazy. oh, we also picked up the tickets for graduation and surprised one of the boys with silly string, a balloon chandelier and a mickey peanut butter cup w/ a candle stuck in it.

July 29th:
Daisy Duck Town square, emh morning.

July 30th:
Day Off, went swimming then to cast connection and company d, then to studios, met the villains and pocahontas, and then giuli and i had a mini fight/misunderstanding (super silly, pretty sure we were all just stressed about having to leave soon and took it out on each other) so i left studios and had an early night.

July 31st:
Called in and went shopping with Giuli and Hannah. Went to the commons, walked through premium outlets to get on the I-Ride trolly which is cute and cheap but the slowest public transit i have ever been on. took us over an hour to get from premium outlets to prime outlets, which is only a 15 minute drive away! We were quite annoyed, but when we got to prime and started our shopping extravaganza we got over it pretty fast. We started with Victoria's Secret, then went to dinner, then starbucks, Bebe, Guess, Rue 21 and Charlotte Russe. At this point we had all run out of arms to carry our parcels, so we caught a taxi to downtown disney. In the taxi we consolidated our bags and checked the $$ status of our wallets, then we continued shopping at dd. well, first we ate at earl of sandwhich, then we shopped til we dropped, caught the bus home, and slept like babies, shopping takes a lot out of you!

Aug 1st:
Swam and tanned all morning with alison, then went in to work as a spare at MK at noon. Got pulled almost right away to lunch coverage at Judge's Tent Mickey B, into contemp dinner mickey 2. It was so good to be the boss one last time, I had been so worried that I wasnt gunna get the chance. My photo pass girl was really good in judges tent, she made a pass for me of picks of me and my minnie, carol, who I had worked with a bunch of times before. really cute pics! I ate lunch after my one set in judges tent with laurie, and then pulled the chef mickey costume. I had never worked contemp, so it was quite exciting! Mickey wears a cute chefs had and a red jacket, it is a cute ensemble. The characters for chef mickeys are mickey, pluto, minnie, goofy and donald. contemp is cool, we parked in th service area (as we always do at any resort) and climbed 4 flights of stairs to the restaurant, in a slope-y sort of stairwell that went inwards as we went up, following the slant of the inside of the building. Then we exited the stairwell and were kind of on a balcony thing, we could see the monorail track above our heads and could see the castle off to our left. then we stepped through another set of doorsm, through the kitchen and into our breakroom. (characters breakrooms are almost always in or under the kitchen, either way we cut through it at the beginning and end of our sets. I was group two, but I took the group one van run and learned the restaurants rotation and such, then watched reba and ate Wall-e cupcakes. our captain was one of the original donald ducks from the 70s-- he's an ornery midget who was absolutely hilarious. sets were good, pretty typical for the first couple, the last set was a little crazy-- i (Mickey Mouse) got carried around by a football player type guy, a server forced me and minnie to take a picture together (a BIG no-no) and there were some crazy guests with a polaroid camera. And then the night was over, at 11:18 pm. I had to go to security because the night before hannah had attempted to take the stuff i had bought at cast connection out of her locker, where we had left it before ging to studios. Of course security asks for reciepts, and I had mine in my purse, so the confiscated the items until one of us could bring in the reciepts :P so i went to MO-5, a building behind one of the main street facades. to get there I had to walk across one of the mainstreet balconies, right as spectro was going past, which was toooooooo cool! i got my stuff back without any issue and headed home.

aug 2nd
Daisy 1 Tusker house AK into Camp Daisy Lunch Coverage, a fun day, i liked tusker house and liz and kj were working at camp so it was fun. it was wierd to be a daisy who wasnt wearing her standard costume- daisy had giant hats and a very ak outfit that was cute but different. I was on turnaround, so 1.5 pay for 6 hours then 2x pay for the last 2 hrs, excellent, def made up for calling in thursday-- but I was EXHAUSTED, having got home at 1 am and left for work again at 5:30. So pool and then bed when i got home just after 3.

aug 3rd:
Daisy Town square: fun times, i love hideaway, last time working with eileen as my attendant, said goodbye to most of the weekend bid people, elana and the other munk whose name i never remember especially. got home and went to walgreens with angie then went to bed.

aug 4th:
Poly Breakfast- Lilo. Anna was working as my back to back and reading breaking dawn obsessively, and the other breakroom people were fun too. good, easy sets and then home, pool and walgreens again with angie, chris and chris, then sleep.

Aug 5th
LAST DAY OF WORK!! So sad in hideaway saying goodbye to people i have become quite close with, rob and copper and pluto and alexis and ashley and all the family fun and trolley people. KJ came visiting from expo side and it was just really sad. Abrah, one of the staging and performance specialist, came around and observedme than gave me a glowing evaluation and asked if i'd considered trying for face. She didnt realize it was my last day, she was evaluating me cuz it was my 60th day of work and they are meant to give us an update on how we are doing. I'm glad i got evaluated in daisy, i feel most comfortable in her, i am her so regularly that i really know what works in her and i play, A LOT, especially yesterday because i knew it was the end for me and i wanted to make it special. i think i was way more playful than i usually am, and the showed in my eval. She said that the writeup she did would be on my record and could potentially help me get rehired next year, even if it is past a year since my training and my colour coding has expired. At the end of my last set, my attendant got thepeople in the area to yell we love daisy and i did a little curtsy. ya i was crying a little in my head. Put away my costume for the last time and headed up into the park with michelle, who was headed to epcot. I was headed to dvc to get my id photocopied so my mom could get my discount on the membership. i got picked up and driven over there, cynthia took care of the photocopying and then i got ice cream and chatted with some former entertainers in the transportation area-- it was cute, as soon as i said i was in entertainment one of the managers whipped of her heels to show me she was a former mouse too. then i got a ride back to vista way, sam and i watched hercules on my computer then went swimming and hot tubbing with alison and giuli and went to sleep.

Aug 6th:
Day off, i let giulis fam squad into the park at studios early this morning, then alison and i played. it was fun, we got midway mania fast passes and exclaimed over the wierdly long line, discovered the ride was having technical difficulties and hadnt opened yet even though it was 15 mins after the park had opened... we got our fast passes for 12-1 and then headed to abc commissary, ate b-fast, went on tower of terror with creepy mist action then rocked rockin roller coaster, then did animation academy and drew goofy, and went back to midway mania. The ride was still closed so we got our pic taken with a Green Army Man, and then as we were walking away there was an announcement that the ride was opening, so we went straight in and got on one of the first rides of the day. it was fun as always. so then we headed back, alison had to head to work and i had to attempt to pack. I've got most of my clothes packed now, my issue is souvenirs. i have to run out this afternoon and buy a second piece of luggage, not as big as i thought i would need but def a decent size. tomorrow we have to get our final paycheque, go to our grad at epcot, then we are heading to mk for our last hours as cast members. we have dinner reservations at crystal palace (giuli loves tigger, so it's her deam meal, lol) and then we are going to watch wishes and spectro, obvi and then pull an all nighter. Friday giuli's fam is driving me to the airport, cuz i am taking one of her suitcases home (she has no room for it and her whole fams luggage in the car, so she is paying the extra baggage fee for me to take it on the plane.)and then i am off, leaving neverland for good. Havent decided what i'll do with this blog after this is over. I kinda like having a record of what i do with my time. It is too easy to forget everything you spent your days on.